

An increasing number of problems in the biological sciences are being solved using sophisticated mathematical and computational tools. The biomathematics degree blends mathematics, biology, and computer science in preparation for continued graduate studies and for careers in the quantitative life sciences. The degree's mission is to provide a world class undergraduate education in applied mathematics used in support of the life sciences.

The degree's mission is supported and motivated by these facts:

  • Biological data is being generated with unprecedented precision and in unfathomable volumes.
  • Quantifying biological observations requires mathematical and statistical analysis.
  • The basic principles of complex biological systems support mathematical and computational modeling, which can lead to testable hypotheses and new discoveries.

The biomathematics degree will provide a broad based undergraduate experience that 1) prepares students with a rigorous education in applied mathematics, 2) educates students in the fundamental principles of biology, 3) trains students to work in a computational arena, 4) introduces students to several of the sister disciplines of computational biology, mathematical biology, bioinformatics, systems biology, and biostatistics, and 5) guides students through an advanced undergraduate research project. The degree will also liberally educate students through the study of the humanities and social sciences. Students of the program will be encouraged to participate in external and internal research programs and industrial internships and/or co-ops.

Graduates will be prepared for graduate study in any of the sister fields as well as for careers in the quantitative life sciences. Each graduate will complete a capstone research experience that will culminate in a written report and a public presentation.

 *Requirements: 3 Free Electives 12 hours, 3 MA Electives 12 hours, 5 Tech Electives 20 hours, 1 Domain Elective  4 hours


Students earning a major in Biomathematics are encouraged to gain depth in a particular mathematical or scientific area. By pursuing focused coursework in the following suggested areas, students will advance their preparation for graduate studies or careers in mathematical life sciences. Gaining depth through advanced electives also provides biomathematics students with an opportunity to apply knowledge gained through BMTH coursework. The following focus areas are illustrative examples to consider.

Applied Mathematics

BE 350 Biocontrol Systems
MA 275/375 Discrete and Combinatorial Algebra I/II
MA 332 Intro. to Computational Science [required for major]
MA 330 Vector Calculus
MA 342 Computational Modelings
MA 366 Real Analysis
MA 367 Functions of a Complex Variable
MA 436 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
MA 472 Graph Theory
MA 491 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling


BMTH 312 Bioinformatics
BMTH 310 Mathematical Biology
CHEM 251/252/253 Organic Chemistry I/II/III
CHEM 326 Bioanalytical Chemistry
CHEM 330/331 Biochemistry I/II
CHEM 430 Advanced Biochemistry

Bioinformatics & Biostatistics

BMTH 312 Bioinformatics
MA 381 Intro. to Probability with Statistics [required for major]
MA 382 Intro. to Statistics with Probability
MA 382 Engineering Statistics II
MA 386 Statistical Programming
MA 482 Bioengineering Statistics


BE 361 Biomaterials
BE 525 Biomedical Fluid Mechanics
BE 534 Soft Tissue Mechanics
BE 539 Multiscale Biomechanics
BE 545 Orthopedic Biomechanics


PH 302 Biophysics
BE 525 Biomedical Fluid Mechanics

Cellular and Molecular Biology

BIO 220/230 Prokaryotic/Eukaryotic Cell and Molecular Biology [required for major]
BIO 205 Cellular Physiology
BIO 411 Genetic Engineering
BIO 421 Applied Microbiology
BIO 431 Genomics and Proteomics
BMTH 310 Mathematical Biology
CHEM 455 Natural Products [offered irregularly]

Computational Biology

BMTH 310 Mathematical Biology
BMTH 413 Computational Biology
CSSE 220 Object Oriented Software Development
CSSE 333 Database Systems
CSSE 403 Programming Language Paradigms
CSSE 431 Artificial Intelligence
MA/CS 335 Introduction to Parallel Computing
MA 342 Computational Modeling
MA 433 Numerical Analysis
MA 435 Finite Difference Methods
MA/CS 473 Design and Analysis of Algorithms


BIO 130 Evolution and Diversity
BIO 264 Introduction to Environmental Science
BIO 320 Ecology
BMTH 310 Mathematical Biology

CHEM 371 Environmental Analytical Chemistry

Epidemiology & Pathology

BE 310/320 Analysis of Physiological Systems I/II
BIO 410 Infection and Immunity
BIO 441 Virology
BIO 451 Cancer Biology
BIO 461 Evolutionary Medicine
BIO 471 Genetic and Molecular Analysis of Inherited Human Disease
BMTH 310 Mathematical Biology



BIO 130 Evolution and Diversity
BIO 330 Evolutionary Biology
BIO 461 Evolutionary Medicine
SV 386 Human Evolution

Imaging and Optics

BE 435 Biomedical Optics
ECE 480 Introduction to Image Processing
BE 541 Medical Imaging Systems
MA 429 Mathematical Methods of Image Processing
PH 302 Biophysics



BIO 120 Comparative Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 410 Infection and Immunity
BIO 441 Virology
BIO 451 Cancer Biology
BIO 461 Evolutionary Medicine
BIO 471 Genetic and Molecular Analysis of Inherited Human Disease
BE 541 Medical Imaging Systems
CHEM 251/252/253 Organic Chemistry I/II/III
CHEM 330/331 Biochemistry I/II

CHEM 420 Advanced Biochemistry


BIO 120 Comparative Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 205 Cellular Physiology
BE 310/320 Analysis of Physiological Systems I & II
BE 520 Introduction to Brain Machine Interfaces

The second major in biomathematics is open to all majors with the following requirements and restrictions. Eligibility and limitations

  • The MA/BMTH double major must be seperated by at least 24 hours.


Any student not pursuing a major or second major in biomathematics may obtain a minor in biomathematics by taking the following courses:

Approval and Biomathematics Minor Form
All minors must be approved by the biomathematics minor advisor and the student’s advisor. The department has a form for the planning and approval of a biomathematics minor.

Notes and Limitations on Requirements:

  • Almost all students are required to take six foundational courses as a requirement for their major; therefore only five "extra courses" are required for most students.
  • Only MA 111, MA 112, MA 113, MA 211, MA 212 and one of MA 223, MA 381, or MA 382 can be counted towards any combination of the multiple minors offered by the mathematics department.
  • Biomathematics courses cannot be used to count toward both Free Mathematics Electives for a mathematics major and also towards a Biomathematics minor.

Plan of Study

Freshman Open Close
Sophomore Open Close
Junior Open Close
Senior Open Close

Total credits required: 193


3 Free Electives 12 hours
2 MA Electives   8 hours
5 Tech Electives 20 hours
1 Domain Elective     4 hours